Monday, December 14, 2015

Pork Barrel Project

Congress & Pork Barrel Research Project
AP Government                                                       
Directions: Use the Internet to obtain information to answer the following questions. Make sure your answers are comprehensive and coherent. You will need to type your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Please label the assignment as this sheet is labeled. This assignment will count as a 50 point project grade.

  1. Define pork barrel spending.  (1 point)
  2. Go to or your textbook to find out the following information:
    1. Click on House of Representatives. Find the list of standing House of Rep. Committees.  Pick 3 and explain their major function.  Research and explain one issue recently before each of those committees.  (9 points)
    2. Click on Senate. Find the list of standing Senate Committees.  Pick 3 and explain their major function.  Research and explain one issue recently before each of those committees.  (9 points)
  3. Go to “Citizens Against Government Waste” website ( ). Click on “2015 Congressional Pig Book Summary at the bottom of the first column.
    1. Read the 2015 summary. (Click on pdf file for a more readable file). What were the two categories that saw smallest decrease in pork spending from 2012 to 2015?  (2 points)
    2. From 3 areas in the appropriation summary, pick 3 specific projects.  Summarize the people, the amounts received, and the projects.  (9 points)
    3. Find the 2014 congressional Ratings by click on the Read More button in the first column then scrolling down to the bottom of the page. Name the Representatives and Senators with the highest points.  (5 points)
  4. Find a site or post concerned about pork barrel spending reform (besides cagw).
    1. List site you selected and the organization who publishes it.  (1 point)
    2. Summarize in a paragraph what positions the website holds. Include details from the site that illustrates the site’s views. (2 points)
  5. Find your congressional district & your Congressman. Go to his website.
    1. Find out and explain a piece of legislation they have been recently involved with, what constituent services they offer, and on what committees they serve. (7 points)
    2. Send an email to them explaining the following:  (5 points)
·      You are currently a student at Philip Barbour High School in AP US Government & Politics
·      An inquiry about issues they are concerned with in Washington that will have a direct impact on you.
·      CC to me or a copy of your email attached.  I recommend using school email account.
Due Date:  December 22, 2015


Project Component
Point Value

Part 1: Definition


Part 2a:  House Committee 1
               House Committee 2
               House Committee 3
Part 2b:  Senate Committee 1
                Senate Committee 2
                Senate Committee 3


Part 3a:  Summary
Part 3b:  Project 1
               Project 2
               Project 3
Part 3c:  Rankings


Part 4a:  Site & Publisher
Part 4b:  Site Summary


Part 5a: Congressional Info.
Part 5b: E-mail


Final Grade on all Components


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